Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW
  • Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW

Reflektor Cameo Q-SPOT 40 WW

This compact Cameo Q-Spot is equipped with a powerful 40 watt warm white LED that has a 50,000 hour life expectancy.

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This compact Cameo Q-Spot is equipped with a powerful 40 watt warm white LED that has a 50,000 hour life expectancy. The RDM enabled PAR light sports a custom lens for a tightly focussed 4.5° beam spread and comes with two replacement lenses offering versatility with a choice of 10° and 25° angles. Using 16-bit technology, the fixture provides ultra smooth dimming with selectable curves and response. Highly efficient convection cooling ensures silent operation, and the 3,600 Hz refresh rate and flicker-free performance make it ideal for motion picture and TV applications. .

The white light Q-Spot 40 features 3-channel DMX control, sound activation and master, slave and standalone capability. A convenient infrared remote control unit is available as accessory. The spotlight features a high-speed strobe function and a 4- button OLED display for easy configuration. The rugged all-metal housing provides 3-pin DMX inputs and outputs plus blue and grey Power Twist connectors for trouble-free daisy-chaining and power linking. The Q-Spot 40 WW is available with a black (item no. CLQS40WW) or white housing (item no. CLQS40WWWH).

Indeks: CLQS40WW
EAN: 4049521263040


Źródło światła
1x40W WW
100 V AC–240 V AC/50–60 Hz
Pobór mocy
Złącze zasilania
Neutrik powerCON IN/OUT
Złącza wejściowe DMX
3-stykowe XLR, męskie
Złącza wyjściowe DMX THRU
3-stykowe XLR, żeńskie
Mieszanie kolorów
WW (biały ciepły)
Klasa IP

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