Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC
  • Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC
  • Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC
  • Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC
  • Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC
  • Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC
  • Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC
  • Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC
  • Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC
  • Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC

Reflektor Fresnel Cameo F2 FC

A complete palette of dynamic colours, and countless shades of white at maximum reproduction quality – the Cameo F2 FC is your perfect Fresnel spotlight for professional application in front of the camera and in theatres.

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Mimo dołożenia wszelkich starań, nie gwarantujemy, że publikowane dane techniczne nie zawierają braków lub błędów. Rzeczywisty wygląd urządzeń może odbiegać od tych przedstawionych na zdjęciach. Ponieważ ew. błędne opisy nie mogą jednak być podstawą do roszczeń, w przypadku wątpliwości prosimy o kontakt z handlowcem przed podjęciem decyzji o zakupie.

A complete palette of dynamic colours, and countless shades of white at maximum reproduction quality – the Cameo F2 FC is your perfect Fresnel spotlight for professional application in front of the camera and in theatres. Its white tones can be precision-adjusted in CCT mode from 1,600 K to 6,500 K at a constant CRI of over 90, and perfectly adjusted to skin tones, camera sensors and ambient light via additional green-magenta correction. RGBW colour-blending in HSI mode facilitates rapid adjustment of colour, intensity and saturation at the light desk using only three control circuits. Using additional colour filters is in the past. The high-quality 200 mm lens creates a soft-edged beam of light, which can be manually and gradually adjusted in the 18° to 55° beam angle from spot to flood and all intermediate positions. At the same time, the integrated condenser lens provides evenly blended colours and colour shadow-free light dispersion, even when using the barndoor.

The F2 FC is fully RDM-capable, and has a range of DMX control modes as well as four 16-bit dimmer curves with adjustable response. Even at its lowest setting, gradual dimming meets the highest theatre demands. Six selectable pulse width modulation frequencies of 800 Hz to 25 kHz ensure flicker-free operation, even for high-speed camera settings. A heatpipe combined with a temperature-controlled fan provides highly-efficient cooling and virtually noiseless operation. For convenient configuration, the spotlight’s robust die-cast aluminium housing is equipped with three rotary encoders and an OLED display. 5-pin DMX connections and Power Twist mains sockets facilitate unproblematic daisy chaining. Included are an 8-way barndoor, a filter frame and a mains cable with a Schuko plug.

Indeks: CLF2FC


Źródło światła
100 V AC–240 V AC/50–60 Hz
Złącze zasilania
Neutrik PowerCON True1 IN
Neutrik PowerCON True1 THRU
Stopień IP
Złącza wejściowe DMX
5-stykowe XLR, męskie, 3-stykowe XLR, męskie
Złącza wyjściowe DMX THRU
5-stykowe XLR, żeńskie, 3-stykowe XLR, żeńskie
Mieszanie kolorów
Klasa IP
Dodatkowe atrybuty
Koło animacji
Noże profilowe

Specyficzne kody

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